Impact Securitized

The Impact Securitized strategy is an investment-grade, intermediate-duration strategy that primarily invests in custom-created pools of single-family mortgages for low- to moderate-income (LMI) borrowers and commercial mortgage-backed securities where the underlying mortgages are primarily for the financing of affordable multifamily housing properties. The principal on the strategy’s underlying mortgages is guaranteed by the U.S. Government or one of its Agencies. The strategy seeks to preserve capital and deliver a total rate of return that is primarily driven by income.

Each of the bonds selected for the portfolio must meet financial and impact criteria focusing on responsible mortgages for LMI homeowners as well as affordable and sustainable rental housing. Clients in the strategy meeting minimum requirements can customize their investment dollars to specific geographies and receive tailored impact reporting.

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2024 Impact Report

To learn more about CCM's impact, read our 2024 Impact Report.

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