Community Capital Management Releases New Report: Addressing The Black Homeownership Gap In America
Many Black Americans have been left out of the American dream – owning a home.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, February 26, 2021: Community Capital Management, Inc. (CCM), a leading impact and ESG investing manager, today released a new report, “Addressing the Black Homeownership Gap in America,” which is part of a new firm series on affordable homeownership. The report takes a closer look at America’s history of economic inequality, the long-term economic benefits of owning a home, and the 2008 housing crisis and its impact on homeownership.
The 10-page report covers:
- How Black Americans struggle with a deep wealth gap which has been exacerbated by COVID-19
- Why homeownership is critical for building wealth and passing on generational wealth
- Ways to mend the Black homeownership gap in America
- CCM’s efforts to bridge the Black homeownership divide
“We launched this new report during Black History Month to recognize the importance of Black Homeownership, and to shed light on economic inequalities while looking for solutions to combat racial injustices,” said James Malone, chief financial and diversity officer. “Affordable homeownership is important to the economic vitality of communities with numerous financial and community benefits – it should be available to each and every American regardless of their color, faith, or nationality.”
“Changes are needed from all areas of the housing environment to address deep-rooted structural barriers and reduce the Black homeownership gap in America,” said David Sand, chief impact strategist. “CCM’s 21-year history as an impact and ESG investing manager enables us to take a leadership role in creating and identifying fixed income impact investments that are responsive to societal needs and that can help increase affordable homeownership for underserved and minority people and communities.”
The report is available for download on CCM’s website at